Friday, November 29, 2019
Chronicle of a Death Foretold Review Essay Example
Chronicle of a Death Foretold Review Paper Essay on Chronicle of a Death Foretold Marquez, the second for today winner of the Nobel Prize in whom I dare to write something. I believe in the magic of real life. I think that the magical realism Carpentier called it a miracle, what is reality, or rather, the reality is Latin America Gabriel Garcia Marquez The story of one death this is special, dissimilar to other Marquez novel. This is a prime example of his signature style magic realism. In this he is probably the best. We will write a custom essay sample on Chronicle of a Death Foretold Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Chronicle of a Death Foretold Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Chronicle of a Death Foretold Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The plot of the novel, or short story, do not know how or rather in the style of South American soap operas. Why it came to the mind of Jack Londons novel Hearts of Three. South American passion, too. Revenge for the desecrated honor, son avenging his father, brother, his sister, sister of But entertaining reading. London itself thought so. What else can you compare? Wilkie Collins The Moonstone ? I have something in common in my opinion. More specifically, I will not say as the read for a long time and do not remember much. In the day when he had to kill, Santiago Nasar got up at half past five, to meet the ship on which the bishop was coming Marquez Marquez would not have been if he had initially, the first sentence to put the reader into a dead end, surprise him, delight. And to keep, keep in suspense until the last page. Who vynovat in the loss of innocence, Angel? Was the fault of Santiago, go slandered him? The story goes like through the prism of the narrator, a friend of Santiago, and residents danogo town, friends and acquaintances, as well as the town is not big, all we knew each other. In this case, the narrator takes us into the future for many years, in the past. It speaks to the talent and skill of the author to create a plurality of fragments, pieces of a picture of the last hours of the life of Santiago, to know his life, his character and plans for the future. It fascinates and surprises. How can you write? The mind does not understand. All parts of this mosaic perfectly worked out, and are connected in such a harmonious tragic story of murder. Bravo. I have no words ..
Monday, November 25, 2019
NSG KWLA Essays NSG KWLA Essay NSG KWLA Essay Through invitation held with not only subject X but alls her mother we were able to gain a better insight on her psycho-social development. There are various developments throughout this stage of life and some theorists that I found interesting that relate to school aged child development were Pigged, Goldberg especially in the aspect of peer relationships and Erickson in particular pertaining to morality development and self-concept. WALLA: 1 . ) How does increased television and video-games correlate with health- related risk factors during middle childhood? A. Rationale: Generally, the middle childhood stage of development is seen as one of the healthiest periods of our lifetime. As most people already know, lack of physical activity does not promote healthy living and can in return cause health problems and concerns such as obesity. Research that has been conducted shows that among U. S. Children physical activity and fitness have been declining and it is believed to be correlated with increased time devoted to television and video-games. According to Dunn and Craig obesity has become a major problem among this age group, studies show that nearly 9% of grade school aged children are obese. Middle childhood obesity is seen to have not only early medical effects such as asthma but also long term affects that may not develop until adulthood. According and article on childhood obesity by Baron and Marcus, children who are obese are more predisposed to health complications later in life such as heart failure and type II diabetes. B. References: Craig, G. J. , Dunn, W. L. (2013). Understanding Human Growth and Development (3. De. , up. 203-205). New Jersey:Prentice Hall. The Effects of Childhood Obesity. Education. Mom. N. P. , n. D. Web. 28 Cot. 2014. 2. How does cognitive development at this age change perception of the child? A. Rationale: According to Pigged, children at this age have a concrete operational way of thinking. The thought of a child at this age is more logical and they realize that there is a cause-effect mechanism to their action. This changes their perception because they have become less egocentric and have developed social cognition which is an unders tanding on the social world around the child and there self within the social world, the child becomes ore focused on how their thoughts compare with other. Goldberg expanded piglets two stage theory of moral development and explains that this operational stage of development is based on social conformity to their win the approval of peers or to avoid disapproval. B. References: Craig, G. J. , Dunn, W. L. (2013). Understanding Human Growth and Development (3. De. , up. 203-205). New Jersey:Prentice Hall. 3. ) How do peer relationships change throughout this stage of development? A. Rationale: Subject X explained that she had a big group of friends at school and they have similar personality traits to her own. In early childhood friendships and peer relationships are based on physical similarities and are informal and relatively unstable. Robert Salesmans research explained that during this age unlike early childhood, friendships are more genuine and friends are seen as those who help the child, also a bond of trust begins to develop and friendships are seen to be more stable. Peer groups in this age share interests, norms and goals and are very important throughout middle childhood. Growth and Development (3. . , up. 203-205). New Jersey:Prentice Hall. Reflection: I personally really enjoyed this project and I think it was an excellent way of being able to go through the stages Of development at a more personal, hands on experience. It also allowed me to work on communication skills as well as better developing in working with a group. Since I have already been trough this stage of development was able to reflect on past experiences of my own that made me understand this stage a little be tter.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The business of water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The business of water - Essay Example This paper illustrates that since water companies began to be privatised, there has been an ongoing debate from both the political and social circles regarding the sustainability of private water companies. The debate has brought together political movements, labour movements and major corporations with each side having a conflicting opinion regarding privatising water services. There is a common pattern in developed countries regarding the improvement of water and sanitation services. In many countries across the world, water provision services began as early as the 17th century. However, such services were only used by people of a higher social class and state departments such as the fire brigades. The subsequent development of urban centres saw an influx of people towards cities thus creating a water crisis. Water ceased to become an incentive but a requirement for almost every household in the urban areas. Despite the fact that the previous water and sanitation services were oper ated by private entities, municipalities and urban councils took over the provision of water services to address the rising acute water shortage. France, however, maintained the status quo and private water companies continued to operate independently which explains why the largest water companies in the world are Franceââ¬â¢s Suez and Veolia. Those in support of municipalities taking over water and sanitation services argued that the state bodies had the ability to address the inefficiencies in water provision by private contractors.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Strategic Management - Essay Example In this paper, the analysis of strategic management will revolve around a small family business dealing with laundry appliances repair with only two employees precisely a father working as the technician and his son handling matters to do with administration. Strategic management comes along with many benefits to a business. Thomas and David Hunger maintain that firms that incorporate strategic management into their daily activities always ââ¬Å"outperformâ⬠those firms that do not. When a firm enlarges, it becomes hard for it to afford following intuitive strategies. This is because, upon enlargement, a firmââ¬â¢s environment or its layers of management changes substantially (Wheelen & Hunger, 2011). However, as working environment continues to be more complex due to ever changing systems of management in the world, today, firms are applying strategic management as a form of cooperating and making the environment more manageable. Strategic management is beneficial to a firm mainly because it facilitates collection of information and formulation of policies. The laundry firm can use strategic management policies to gather information from external and internal environment which in turn corporate formulation of variables in the firm. With globalization comes broad market. In this case, globalization enables a firm identify general forces that include societal and natural environments that make it easier to identify different clusters of competitors and customers making it easier to combine a sustainable environment. It is necessary for a firm to have the suitable information in order to find ways in which it can fulfill its goals via its corporate mission (Wheelen & Hunger, 2011). Globalization makes it possible for a firm to have structural, resourceful, and cultural information, which is important for a firm to enhance its corporate strategy. In addition, strategic management enables a firm to implement the set policies and formulate the gathered info rmation, which facilitates assessment of its capabilities. This in turn draws measures that enable the firm to satisfy its clientele by improving its distribution of products and services via an organized system. The impacts of environmental sustainability to a business are many. For the laundry firm to achieve the best in its line of business, it must set in place models that play an important role towards creation a sustainable environment. This shows that businesses should have models that contribute to a healthy and safe environment. According to environmental experts, a safe environment provides a platform for economic growth and business sustainable development. In order to get benefits that come along with sustained environment, a firm must address environmental issues such as pollution. As such, this laundry firm should seek to address environmental problems in order to enjoy innovative solutions brought by new market opportunities (Wheelen & Hunger, 2011). In addressing com ponents involved in the environmental scanning and industry analysis process, analysts revolve around environmental assessment, forecasting, and monitoring. In this case, environmental scanning deals with macro environment, which consists of competitors, industries, clients, markets, and companies. Environmental scanning thus interprets technological and economic events as well as political trends that are influential to a
Monday, November 18, 2019
Behavioural Influence of Executive Pay Plan Essay
Behavioural Influence of Executive Pay Plan - Essay Example While economists tend to place importance on money as a strong motivator, behavioural scientists tend to consider it weak. Pendleton, A. notes in his book: "achieving change in employee attitudes and behaviour has often been an important objective of those introducing employee share ownership schemes. It is thought that share-owning employees will feel greater commitment to the firm and a greater sense of identity with its aims"(154). The idea of inculcating a higher sense of ownership among employees to enhance overall company performance seems to be the underlying reason for this new plan. Whether there is a direct relationship between share ownership and greater employee motivation and commitment is debatable. It is however likely that ownership which encompasses employee participation can make the employees react in a positive manner. "Consistent with incentive theory, the evidence also shows that firms and workplaces with shared compensation practices have a higher incidence of shared decision-making/information sharing practices" (Conyan and Freeman 1). From the employee perspective, making employees stakeholders, can induce a higher sense of responsibility among them and give them a sense of greater role in decision-making. However if this expectation is not met, it could then lead to a sense of frustration and discontentment. The other reason for employee discontent could be related to share value. If it falls for reasons that employees perceive as beyond their control it could work as a demotivator and impact employee morale. Aptly pointed out by Cooper and Rousseau: As the destiny of employees becomes more tightly integrated through ownership via financial participation, issues of work/life separation (shared futures with the fortunes of the organization) and the very meaning of work will be raised. What will be the consequence for employees in terms of role confusion, wellbeing and stress levels, work values, commitment, cooperative versus competitive behaviours The confusion in identities also comes hand-in-hand with an increasing diversity of psychological contracts at work-or certainly the attitudinal stances within these contracts towards HRM policies aimed at a performance culture, and shared risk policies and practices (Sparrow 2000a). Not all employees seek increased financial participation or involvement in their organization. The assumptions of generic improvements in motivation, commitment, and engagement with the commercial process that seem to underlie much of the popular discussion of employee ownership are by no means proven. Inde ed, there are more grounds to expect wide individual differences in the in the attractiveness of such a concept, and the relevant outcomes noted above ( 52). The new reward system is bound to influence employee perceptions and impact behavioural factors which will influence motivation, performance and morale. This is discussed below. Commitment and Recognition versus Individual Goals Mitchie, Oughton and Bennion note that "the positive effect that involvement and participation policies have on motivation and commitment may be enhanced and made more effective and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Role Of The 1870 Forster Education Act Education Essay
The Role Of The 1870 Forster Education Act Education Essay This Act provided a network of elementary schools for filling the gaps in the provision from church-run charity schools which were available for the poor, while the rich could afford private tutors. They only wanted all the children to have the basic education, not to change the class basis of education. Forester Education Act made state education compulsory up to the age of 10 and so they were taking childrens out of employment. The childrens families did not like that because they would have less money with childrens not working. The writer H. G. Wells describe this an act to educate the lower class lines, and with specially trained, inferior teachers. However, the Act signified the first general acceptance, which leads in schooling being paid from state taxations and resulting in a link between the state and education that exit today. The 1870 Act, also explain the cause of so many old primary schools existing from 100 years ago, many of them being build in the years following the Act. There were some reasons for introducing this Act such as an economical benefit like educated workforce beneficial for society and also for maintaining global position. Philanthropic reason, because it was wrong to have childrens working from young ages, seen as being antirevolutionary, appearing to bring equality which will also be beneficial to society and to individual. Another reason could be that it seemed that the school provided some kind of social control through education by teaching people how to behave. This Act was introduced also because of political functions being in need for educated population (Taylor P, 1995), (Wilson P, 1989). Taylor P, R. J. (1995). Sociology in focus. Bath: The Bath Press. Wilson P, K. A. (1989). Sociology for GCSE and modern studies. London: HarperCollins. Identify the differences between formal education and the hidden curriculum. Make reference to the functionalist and the Marxist viewpoint. In schools childrens are learning a lot of things that are not part of their timetable of official lessons. The hidden curriculum term is used to refer at what children learn indirect from the manner in which the school is organised and also from their teachers. In most of the schools hidden curriculum include punctuality, obedience to authority, appropriate dress, co-operation, honesty. These values and others are communicated by teachers in assemblies. The formal education, comparing with the hidden curriculum, refers to the skills that a person already has, that are prescribed, fixed and it cant be changed. Marxists argue that it creates subservient workforce who are trained to be compliant and bored but the functionalists argue that this is beneficial for the society, they argue that society needs to be in balance, to work together(Guy, C., 2012). Guy, C., (12.12.2012), Hidden Curriculum-Formal Curriculum, Handout Describe and evaluate the tripartite system of education. There were theories that there were different types of pupils, with different abilities and aptitudes and that they could identify a childs type by intelligence testing. Because of this theory, the 1944 Act had introduced a national test called the 11 plus test for allocating childrens to one of the three types of secondary school. Those three types of secondary school were technical schools, secondary modern schools and grammar school. These three were known as tripartite system of secondary education. Grammar school were aiming for children who were classified as bright and academic good at solving logical problems. These childrens were meant to study science, mathematics and difficult subject in order to prepare for GCE exams. There are records showing that less than 20 % of the school population went to study in grammar schools. The technical schools were meant to be for children with abilities in technical subjects with an attendance of 5 %, but most of the children went to seco ndary modern schools. They received basic education with an opportunity in taking an external examination until CSEs was introduced in 1960. The tripartite system was meant to provide separate but equal types of schooling geared for those children with particular abilities. Some of the ideas of the Act were to have equal status, similar equipment and staffing, but that did not worked in practice. There were children that did not participated in the tripartite system at all. Also the private sector of education was being excluded from the scope of the Act and the independent schools continued to charge fees. There were some criticisms of the tripartite system because they provided low self esteem for children making them to think that they are not cleaver enough or they did not tried enough. Another criticism was that provided social class division in society because even though the fees were abolished, working class children were less likely to go to a grammar school that those from middle class. Because of the criticisms about 11 plus examination, the tripartite system was rejected. (Taylor P, 1995), (Wilson P, 1989). Taylor P, R. J. (1995). Sociology in focus. Bath: The Bath Press. Wilson P, K. A. (1989). Sociology for GCSE and modern studies. London: HarperCollins. Describe and evaluate the comprehensive system. Comprehensive system is based on the principle of one type of secondary school for everyone. Children from all kind of social backgrounds and with all kind of abilities could attend the same type of school, being provided with the same chances and opportunities to obtain training and qualification. The age 11 entrance exam does not exist. Legislation from 1980s provided parents with large choices of schools. The movement from selective to comprehensive school remains a political matter. The political left and the Labour party favourite comprehensive schools because in their opinion this was the only school that provided equality in education. In contrast with this, the right and the Conservative Party were very concern about providing appropriate education for everyone. In 1965 the Local Education Authorities were asked by the Labour government to reorganise secondary education on comprehensive lines. The trend of comprehensive slowed down after 1970 allowing grammar schools to exist at the same time as comprehensives. With the election of Labour government was also introduce a legislation requiring all LEAs to go comprehensive. By the end of May 1979, 80% of secondary school children were attending comprehensive. Comprehensive schools failed to meet their originals aims because some public opinions opposed comprehensive education; a broad social mix in a school has rarely been achieved as schools reflect their catchment area; New Right claimed that academically capable children were held back (Taylor P, 1995). Taylor P, R. J. (1995). Sociology in focus. Bath: The Bath Press. Wilson P, K. A. (1989). Sociology for GCSE and modern studies. London: HarperCollins. What is marketization in education? Explain and evaluate how league tables can play a part in marketization. Marketization in education represent the way the school make them buyable by the parents who want a good school for their childrens, a school that provide high standards of benefits such as school that provide a swimming pool, a meal, a music room or a sport club. The League Tables were introduced to provide information about the schools. Also because of the existence of League Tables, parent were able to make a better choice in which school to enrol their children, meaning that there was a competition created between school named as marketization; parents wanting to sent their children to schools that appeared successful in League Tables (Wilson P, 1989). Taylor P, R. J. (1995). Sociology in focus. Bath: The Bath Press. Wilson P, K. A. (1989). Sociology for GCSE and modern studies. London: HarperCollins. Describe and evaluate the role of vocational education in the UK today. Vocational education means training for a specific job. Because the industry needed skilled work forces, they made these vocational education schools in which pupils were trained in vocational courses because some of the childrens responded better to courses related to work. Some of the recent initiatives are; youth training scheme (YTS), employment training (ET), national vocational qualification (NVQ). This is another attempt to raise standards. Evaluating the vocational education, some argue that dont leave equal opportunities, some vocational courses are not highly valued and may be considerate as second rate. Some are saying that are unfair because are set when childrens are too young; also this may be a way of paying law wages and there may not be a job at the end. From Marxist point of view, the industry is failing. He argues that it is more about training for low wages. However, universities have been open to vocational qualification, but not all (Guy, C., 2012). Guy, C., (05.12.2012) Vocationalism, Handout Describe and evaluate the Assisted Placed Scheme. This scheme sponsors academically gifted children, helping them to pay the fees for their independent schooling. It was initiated in 1980 by The Education Act and operates by the Secretary of State for Education. The parents who had childrens at independent school were given help in paying the fees. They wanted to give a chance to gifted children who had less affluent parent at having a high academically education. By 1985, 17,500were using the scheme and by 1990, 34,000. In 1988 and 1989, the cost of the scheme was à £50 millions. As an overall the cost was small. The scheme weakens the state sector of education but reinforce the private sector. The selection process involves interviews with parents and children, procedure which can affect childrens with parents from working class backgrounds. There is an assumption in the scheme that the schooling offered by the independent schools is better that that from the state system (Taylor P, 1995). Taylor P, R. J. (1995). Sociology in focus. Bath: The Bath Press. Wilson P, K. A. (1989). Sociology for GCSE and modern studies. London: HarperCollins. Analyse and evaluate the role that the Public School System plays in Britain today. The public schools were categorised as agents of moral and spiritual development. They are still following their tradition, they have special attire. They are controlled by democratic authority and administration. In public schools, people can be seen as constituents meaning, they have a legitimate say in how the school should be run. In a way it can be said that private school are run by the parents who pay fees for their childrens (Holborn, 2004). The Public Schools term is commonly used in England and Wells referring to a group of 10 per cent of independent schools. The Public Schools are more prestigious schools such as Eton, Harrow and Rugby because they had always prepared pupils for important public offices. From 2000 independent schools, 200 are public schools. Holborn, H. a. (2004). Sociology-Themes and Perspectives, sisth edition. London: HarperCollins. Taylor P, R. J. (1995). Sociology in focus. Bath: The Bath Press. Wilson P, K. A. (1989). Sociology for GCSE and modern studies. London: HarperCollins.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I did not get to know many of you. So, I cannot be certain of how you feel, but, as for me, this year has been, by far, the most enjoyable and eye opening one of my high school career. Enjoyable because of the new, interesting friends I've made and of the fun times I've had, and eye opening because of my being forced to look towards the future. Not just day dreaming and imagining about the rest of my life, but finally having to sit down and make some definite decisions concerning it. For me and many of you, colleges have had to be applied for and decided on and scholarships filled out. Some of you have been looking into vocational schools or the military, while others will be going straight into the work force. Whatever your case may be, we've all had one thing in common in that we've been planning for our futures. Since the decisions we make now or soon will impact the rest of our lives, I'd like to take this time to share some advice with you all. The most important advice I believe I can share is to do what you want to do. Don't be pressured into some life career because it's the most respectable or because it would make your family the proudest. Happiness is the greatest goal in life and is self-contained. The happiness of others will not satisfy you in the long run. If your fondest wish is to become an Atlantic Puffin breeder in northern Maine, then go for it. Don't allow anyone or anything to stop you. Also, many of you must fully realize how much time of your life a job will take up. Not just working, but preparing for it and the thought that will go towards it daily. In fact, for most of you, your life will revolve around your job. Where you live, who you see everyday, will mostly be dependent upon the job you choose... ... So, don't think that just because you're not starting college right away or not going to college at all, that you're bound to not get what you want out of life. It takes work, but, if you're determined enough, you can usually achieve your goals. Though you cannot expect to achieve all the goals you set for yourself, don't ever be afraid to at least try. Failure is one of the greatest ways to learn in that although you have failed, the new experiences you have gained while trying to achieve your goal will make you aware of new possibilities and allow you to form new goals for yourself. So remember, don't conform into exactly what society wants you to be. Do what you want to do. And if you don't know what that is already, find out. Don't be afraid to try different things. Be a risk taker. Live your lives for all they're worth because they won't last forever!
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ethical Decision Making Essay
Ethics are important in business and the leader has important role in ethical decision making. A success leader is who has the courage to build his or her company to meet the needs of all the stakeholders, and who recognizes the importance of the service to society. The common theme for the leader play in ethical decision making is trust, fairness, and transparency. First, trust is based on ethical behavior of firm to form a strong base of any long-term business. Thus, leaders must act what they believe based on their strong value of religion, education, and family. Secondly, ethics refer to the fairness for making any decision or adjustment. Therefore, leaders should consider would their decision be fair for everyone affected by it before any action taken. Finally, it is important in such a way that is easy for others to see what actions are performed. Leader with well transparency would be happy to make the decision in public, especially to the people affected by it. Making the ethical decision is the duty of ethical leaders to instill these principles and face its sequential challenges. Business leaders must energize employees at all levels, utilizing a comprehensive set of methods to promote and recognize ethical actions. What must be in place for ethical decision making to occur in a business? In business, ethics is an essential configuration of leadership. The leader needs to make ethical decision when the business operators make competitive, strategic and tactical decisions that affect both stockholders and stakeholders such as downsizing and outsourcing. According to ââ¬Å"How leader can be ethical role modelsâ⬠article, 79 percent of teens surveyed said they felt prepared to make ethical decisions when they enter the workforce. However, 38 percent said it is sometimes necessary to cheat, steal, lie or behave violently to succeed. Many leaders are now torn between company profits and doing the right thing. They are also torn between doing what is right for the company long-term and what is good for their careers in the short-term.
Friday, November 8, 2019
All About the Major French Verb Faire
All About the Major French Verb Faire The irregular verb faireà (to do or to make)à is one of the 10 most frequently used verbs in the French language alongside à ªtre,à avoir, dire, aller, voir, savoir, pouvoir, falloir, and vouloir. Faire is also used to formà the causative construction and in numerous idiomatic expressions. 'To Do' or 'To Make' Faire means to do and to make in most senses that these verbs are used in English. Je fais la lessive:à Im doing the laundry.Je fais mes devoirs: Im doing my homework.Je fais du bricolage: I do odd jobs/DIY projects.Je fais un gà ¢teau: Im making a cake.Je fais des projets: Im making plans.Je fais des progrà ¨s: Im making progress. Exceptions When the intent is to communicate to make, the French tend to be more specific, and, instead of faire, they would use, for example, fabriquer, construire, obliger, forcer, donner,à or a whole list of alternate verbs. In the following instances, idiomatic usage calls forà the verbs rendre and prendre, not faire: When to make is followed by an adjective, it is translated by rendre: Ãâ¡a me rend heureux: That makes me happy. To make a decision is expressed withà prendre une dà ©cision: Jai pris une dà ©cision: I made a decision. Causative Construction Theà causativeà constructionà faireà plus an infinitive describes when someone or something has something done, makes someone do something, or causes something to happen. Je fais laver la voiture: Im having the car washed.Il ma fait laver la voiture: He made me wash the car.Le froid fait geler leau: Cold makes water freeze. Expressions With 'Faire' Faire is used in a number of idiomatic expressions, including many related to weather, sports, math, and everyday life. Il fait du soleil: Its sunnyIl fait froid:à Its cold fait beau/ilà fait beau temps:à Its nice weather./Its nice out./The weather is fine/nice.Je fais du ski: I ski.Je fais du golf: I golf.Deux et deux font quatre: Two plus two equals (makes) four.Je fais de lautostop:à Im hitchhiking.Il fait sa tà ªte:à He acts impulsively.Ãâ¡a fait parti de notre projet:à Thats part of our plan.faire 5 kilomà ¨tres:à to go 5 kilometersfaire trois heures: to be on the road for three hoursfaire acte de prà ©sence:à to put in an appearancefaire attention :à to pay attention to, watch out forfaire bon accueil:à to welcomefaire de la peine quelquun:à to hurt someone (emotionally or morally)faire de la photographie:à to do photography as a hobbyfaire des chà ¢teaux en Espagne:à to build castles in the airfaire des cours:à to give classes, lecturesfaire des à ©conomies:à to save up/to save money/to economizefaire de son mieux:à to do ones bestfaire du lardà (familiar): to sit around doing nothingfaire du sport:à to play sports faire du thà ©Ã ¢tre:à to be an actor/to do some actingfaire du violon, piano:à to study violin, pianofaire dune pierre deux coups:à to kill two birds with one stonefaire face :à to oppose/to face up tofaire fi:à to scornfaire jour, nuit:à to be daytime, nighttimefaire la bà ªte:à to act like a foolfaire la bise, le bisou:à to kiss hellofaire la connaissance de:à to meet (for the first time)faire le mà ©nage:à to do housework Conjugations You will findà all tensesà ofà faireà conjugated elsewhere; for now, here is the present tense to illustrate just how irregular this essential French verb is. Present tense je faistu faisil faitnous faisonsvous faitesils font
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
My Last Race for Marshall essays
My Last Race for Marshall essays ?My league, Prelims Cross Country race was the most intense race I had ran my sophomore season. There were five of us representing the Frosh/Soph. I was extremely nervous because I had been improving, running faster and more at ease. I hoped this would be a good day to hit another personal record. The sun was glaring upon my teammates and I, as we stood, waiting for our fates, at the starting line. It was such a scorching day, but I will never forget what I learned that day. On your marks. We all stepped forward. Set. Everyone was dead silent. "BANG!!! The gun released that burst of excruciating noise I had disliked since day one of racing. And off we went! My friend, Edwin, and I were the first ones from our school to run out the starting line, as we rushed up ahead, increasing our strides. The scene was quite hectic, as we had to defend ourselves from the stampede ahead and behind us. Eventually, we built speed and started to race closer to the front of the pack. Up, up, and up as we rushed up that hill, as well as dashing left and right around corners. On the 3rd mile, a voice shouted out from a hill above shouted out, Gentlemen! Take off! You two are in the lead! Its all up to you two. Finish strong! GO! GO! Our Coach Viana had the power in his voice to always push anyone one of us beyond our weakest points. I changed gears, and started picking up my pace. Push through the pain! I told Edwin. I would not finish the race without him. We were growing very tired, but we knew we had a responsibility to fulfill: to prove the reason why we wore that M, known as Marshall, upon our jerseys. Go on! I cant do this, shouted Edwin, as he started to fall behind. I was not going to let him give up on me when we were less than 200 meters away from the end. No! Dont say that, you can do it! I shouted out, and grabbed his arm and dragged him...
Monday, November 4, 2019
E)Changing Roles in the Household Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
E)Changing Roles in the Household - Essay Example Specifically the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was implemented to promote equal work and employment opportunity for men and women by mandating employers to pay male and female employees equally for performing equal work load except for work differences related to seniority and merits (Reuter, 2009). As part of strengthening the promotion of work diversity and gender equal rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established in order to enforce the federal laws concerning work discrimination related to race or ethnicity, color, religion, gender preferences, nationality, age, and physical or mental disability (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2010). As part of determining the current socio-economic status of women and the minorities in the United States including the significance and effectiveness of EEOC in terms of alleviating gender and racial discrimination within a work environment, this study will gather the most recent articles and news reports that has been published online particularly in the Wall Street Journal, news media, business journals, and magazines. Eventually, economics of race and gender will be tackled in relation to the gathered news and articles. Prior to conclusion, strategic ways on how the EEOC could effectively prevent the high incidence of work discrimination related to gender and race will be provided in details. Back in 2003, the entire U.S. workforce is composed of 69.9% White Americans, 13.8% of the African Americans, 11.1% Hispanics, and 5.2% other minorities (Hymowitz, 2005). Out of the White Americans who are employed, 84.5% of them are managers in small-, medium-, and large-scale companies (ibid). Statistics shows that gender discrimination in the United States is still present despite EEOCââ¬â¢s effort to avoid gender and race discrimination at work. In rare cases, there are some women and few individuals coming from the minority groups who were able to establish a strong
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Health economics Charles e phelps,, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health economics Charles e phelps,, - Essay Example A risk premium is the average expected loss. Ua represents the utility function of an averse person showing the level of satisfaction at income level Ia. X is the risk premium. The graph above represents the levels of satisfaction of two individuals with different levels of income. Io is the expected value. From the graph, Ia is less than Io meaning that the averse person receive a low income and consequently has a utility level that is lower than the expected utility. In the expected benefit calculation, where ââ¬Å"mâ⬠is the medical treatment, Pm is its price, f is the probability that an event will occur and C is the co-payment rate, why does it matter that M depends on C? This is because co-payment helps in the reduction of medical care consumption costs. Without copayment, an individual may not be able to access and afford medical treatment. Copayment is also important when it comes to covers relating to medical services since it helps an individual to prevent unwanted expenses. Therefore, when calculating an individualââ¬â¢s expected benefit, all expenses and benefits incurred or gained on medical services have to be considered. Copayment has to be considered since it covers an individualââ¬â¢s medical expenses and that is why M depends on C during calculation of expected benefit. This is the trend of individuals with risky lifestyles or jobs to acquire life insurance. It can make the insurance company face screening and signaling problems. Insurance is always more likely bought by individuals who are prone to higher risks than those with low risks. Insurance firms try to reduce the adverse selection problems of having those who insure big risk buying their product. They do this through adjusting prices and measuring risk. Consequently, life insurance firms need medical documents and will not give policies to individuals who have long term illness.
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